How a Solopreneur Can Grow an Online Business Consistently

Photo by Greta Hoffman from Pexels

Running an online consulting business provides the convenience of being able to work from anywhere in the world. With travel restrictions lifting in some areas, this could mean a new adventure for an individual that runs his/her business almost alone. Growing ideas with the convenience of remote life is on the minds of a number of these individuals. The following are tips for a solopreneur to grow his/her business consistently.

Email Marketing Solutions

Email marketing is going to play a huge role in growing any business. New or former clients can be won using email marketing. Reengagement campaigns can help encourage past customers that are unhappy with their current provider of a product or service and want to be reconsidered clients. Prospects that a solopreneur has not yet worked with could now have a need for the solopreneur’s services.

Newsletters to current customers can help repeat purchases. By continuing to engage with customers, you can share new services to encourage them to be repeat buyers.

Offering emails to past customers can support a winback campaign. Offering a discount or early access to a new service can entice them to come back to your business. Sending out an email with a bit of a personal note to former customers can allow them to know they are valued and that you have a unique offering for them.

Designing and creating the perfect email marketing campaign is far easier for small businesses with tools like AWeber. You can easily design newsletters with integrations with Canva to drag and drop a beautiful design. Automation is a perfect way for a solopreneur to save time by creating campaigns that continually engage with customers. Saving this limited time can allow the business to grow via efficient email marketing tactics.

A Focus on Client Retention

Focusing on client retention is important in all forms of business that sustain success over time. Do not underestimate loyal customers, as most customers are loyal until given a reason not to be. Clients would rather work with the same business than learn the processes and workflow of another business.

SurveyMonkey has client surveys that can help gather consistent feedback when sent out regularly. If any trends are detected in the feedback, these can be immediately addressed for a better customer experience. Small tweaks might be all there needs to be done rather than a complete overhaul, as huge changes are not something all clients react well to.

Use LinkedIn to Find New Clients

LinkedIn is a massive sales machine for so many industries due to the collection of information and the potential to reach out to certain individuals. Reaching out in a custom way is important though, as generic pitches can lead to being unfollowed and blocked.

Look at your current clients and see what they have in common, then find people who may have similar needs. Do not be shy to ask someone in your network for an introduction. By having that person introduce you, it can help build a relationship and give you credibility that someone is willing to recommend you to his/her network.

Use SEO to Grow Your Site Traffic

Implementing SEO best practices from the beginning will help you rank and gain website visitors. Failure to focus on this can lead to products showing up very low in search results, preventing you from capturing leads and sales from relevant traffic

You do not need to be a developer to do well when it comes to optimizing for search engine rankings. There are several guides like this one from Moz, which can help with SEO basics. Keeping it simple, by creating a user-friendly site with share-worthy content will gain you the trustworthiness to gain favor in the search engine algorithms. By following the best practices for SEO, you will help grow your traffic and help build your business.

Growing a business consistently is best, as quick growth can lead to issues in scaling certain processes. An online solopreneur is already efficient but will need assistance via technology to truly reach new heights.

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