Podcast – Gaetan Pellerin – Negotiating Sucks

Interview with Author and Negotiation Guru Gaetan Pellerin


Most people “suck” at negotiations–even if they think they don’t; says today’s podcast guest. Per Gaëtan Pellerin, negotiation is all about handling emotions in the moment, and how you’re used to handling your emotions is why you probably suck at negotiating. You can be an experienced negotiator because you’ve done it many times or a lucky negotiator who has managed to come out on top more often than not. But none of those things help you navigate the minefield of emotions — which means that when those emotions come up in a negotiation, you’re unprepared to handle them.

Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Shelby interview Gaëtan Pellerin (NavigatesGroup.com), who argues that negotiation isn’t about skills or knowledge, but about being able to perform under stress, while you’re experiencing emotions. Gaëtan Pellerin is the author of Mindful NEGOtiation: Becoming More Aware in the Moment, Conquering your Ego and Getting Everyone What They Really Want.Mindful Negotiation

Subjects Discussed with Gaëtan Pellerin 

This podcast includes the following subjects:

  • What made Gaëtan Pellerin want to write a book on Mindful Negotiations?
  • Why negotiation is more about Ego
  • What are the four biggest myths of negotiation?
  • what are four simple steps to close more negotiation deals?
  • When negotiating, how do you become more aware in the Moment, and conquer your ego?
  • How do you get everyone what they really want?
  • How can we obtain that ever-elusive goal of a win-win negotiation?

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Interview Guests:

Gaëtan Pellerin
Author and negotiation guru Gaëtan Pellerin










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