Entrepreneurship for a New Europe


If Brexit has left you bewildered and wondering where your job is going from here, why not tap into your inner entrepreneur, pursue your own dreams of business success and explore ways to achieve your goal without the limitations of geographical boundaries?

Bridging national boundaries

With a little help, you could learn the entrepreneurial skills you need and run your own international business wherever you are in the world. In fact, one organisation, with an international outlook, might just have the solution you’re looking for. With its headquarters in the UK and offices in five continents, Learning Enterprises Organisation Ltd (LEO), is a truly global company with an appeal that bridges national boundaries. This Brexit-busting business offers a wide range of services and products to help the entrepreneur of today, who thinks on a worldwide scale. By harnessing the potential for globalisation the Internet provides, LEO leaps beyond isolationist issues to offer groundbreaking international business solutions.

Global online learning

Entrepreneurship Europe 1
In this era of globalisation, there is no need to let your geographical location limit your learning or earning potential. Your first step towards entrepreneurship could be to tap into the trend for more flexible global online learning.

You might like to consider the e-learning, e-tutoring and live seminars offered by LEO, which are all designed to help you start your own business. Available in as many as 19 different languages, this entrepreneurship training knows no geographical boundaries. However, if you need to fund yourself while you learn, LEO also offers a solution, as it supplies a platform for you to EARN at the same time. In addition, there are a selection of ownership award programmes to help you achieve your dream to OWN a successful business of your choice. But language and learning aren’t the only barriers that need to be overcome to achieve global business success, and the entrepreneurial ‘LEO Ecosystem’ doesn’t stop there…

An international currency

Entrepreneurship Europe 2In a world where the value of national currencies can swing severely, dependent on the local political affairs of the day, like Brexit, the effects on business can be brutal. What is needed is a currency that can rise above such issues. Forget the divide between the euro, pound, dollar and yuan, the way forward for the world’s economy may just be a truly international currency. Digital currency, or cryptocurrency, as it is also known, has the potential to be just that.

Described as ‘the entrepreneur’s cryptocurrency of choice’, LEOcoin, LEO’s very own digital currency, was launched on to the market in June 2014. This offers an alternative way for entrepreneurs to do business, not hampered by national divides. It has the capacity to lead the way in this global digital economy by providing a decentralised digital currency that is anonymous, secure and user-friendly. A form of ‘digital cash’, it can be used to make payments and transactions, via computer, and as it is more easily understood than some digital currencies, it is projected to have a more mass market appeal.

Worldwide funding

Entrepreneurship Europe 3As if all this wasn’t enough, if you have a burning business idea, but lack the capital to get it off the ground, you might want to consider the possibility of crowdfunding – especially if this has the potential to reach a worldwide audience. LEO also provides an innovative new crowdfunding platform – LEOcrowd. Launched in May this year, LEOcrowd has a mission to ‘set entrepreneurial spirits free’, and has already helped several projects gain the funding they need. As Dan Andersson, President, CEO and Co-Founder of LEO explains:

‘LEOcrowd is the platform that connects project creators and backers from across the world. Our purpose is to help people make their exciting ideas a reality by using the support of a global network who want to back ideas like this.’

Perhaps more unusually, LEOcrowd facilitates payment via digital currencies, such as LEOcoin, putting it at the cutting edge of financial technology. In this way, it makes it easier for projects to be more global and overcome the financial barriers encountered when attempting to raise capital internationally.

So, if recent political and financial news has filled you with dread, don’t despair – there’s a whole new entrepreneurial world out there and, with a bit of innovation, national boundaries need only be a thing of the past!

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