7 Unique Ways of Making Money

Woman working

Everyone needs to earn money so they could survive, especially if they’re living in the city. People need money to pay for food, transportation, rent, utility bills, medicine, and even tuition. With that, you need to be creative with how you can earn money, especially if you don’t have a proper educational or professional background to bring with you.

But, don’t worry! Listed below are the unique ways you can make money:

1. Freelancing

If you have a unique set of skills, you may want to take advantage of this and offer your services and expertise to other people. You can find out here how you can earn money while freelancing through different online platforms.

Freelancing is a type of work in which you’re not affiliated with any company or organization. You can work on a project-based basis, or you can be a remote employee, which allows you to work from the comfort of your own home. You can be paid by project or hourly, depending on your agreement with your client.

2. Paid Online Surveys

Do you enjoy answering basic questions or stating your personal opinions about specific topics? If yes, you could take such interests into an advantage as there are plenty of websites that offer paid online surveys.

An online survey is a process in which you answer a questionnaire asking about your opinion about a specific topic or current issue. The company pays you as they use your data on a particular study they’re conducting.

However, with paid online surveys, don’t expect to get paid with a hefty amount of cash as they’re usually cheap since they need to pay as many respondents as possible.

3. Pet Sitting

Yes, apart from babysitting, you can also look after pets while their humans are away. If a family has to go out for the whole weekend and needs someone to look after their pets, hiring a pet sitter is their best bet.

A pet sitter’s responsibilities include feeding and providing the pet with food and water right on time. They also need to take them out for their daily walks, along with cleaning up their mess. A pet sitter should also contact the family if something happens with the pet while they’re away.

4. Sell Your Photographs

If you have an excellent eye for photography, you can sell your photos online to, basically, anyone who’s interested.

However, when it comes to selling your photographs, you need to be patient as it might take some time before people get to know about your works. To make the process easier on your part, you should use appropriate tags so people can quickly locate your photos once they type in keywords on the search bar.

5. Narrate Audiobooks

Not everyone can read books during their spare time and they, instead, prefer to listen to them while doing other stuff. With that, audiobooks have been their best friend.

If you’re confident about your speaking skills, you might want to try applying as a narrator of audiobooks. However, you need to make sure you have a quiet environment, where you can do your recordings, along with a quality mic to produce quality audio.

6. Participate in Clinical Drug Trials

Depending on the medical requirements a research group needs, if you fit within their criteria, you can apply to participate in their clinical drug trials, wherein they test new drugs on you and see how your body would react.

Participating in clinical drug trials can be tricky, so you need to ensure that you have a valid contract with the company so they can be held liable in case you experience side effects.

7. Rent Your House

If you have an extra property that no one uses, you might want to consider listing the property into a renting system wherein you can allow people to rent your place for a couple of days to years.

As you rent your house, ensure that you only list your property in a reputable and trusted website so you can guarantee that the people who’ll be staying in your place won’t harm your home and leave it in its best shape possible after they vacate it.


Earning money can be pretty tricky, especially when you don’t have sufficient educational or professional background. But, don’t worry! With the constantly evolving world, the possibilities are limitless, and there are plenty of ways to make money, even while you’re sitting in the comfort of your own home. Just ensure that you apply to legitimate jobs and do everything legally to avoid any complications.

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