Online Therapy — Everything You Need to Know Before You Sign Up

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Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

Online therapy, also called e-therapy, is an increasingly popular telehealth trend. It gives access to mental health support remotely via any device. All you need to benefit from this type of therapy is an Internet connection, a mobile device, and a subscription to an online therapy platform.

Technology has made mental health support accessible to everyone regardless of physical location and budget. Indeed, not only is getting therapy remotely more affordable but also convenient.

There is plenty to know before you leap into the world of online counseling. We summarized it all for you in this article.

Types of E-Therapy

E-therapy involves professional counseling via various platforms. One may use texts, phone calls, video, and live chat rooms. The communication between a client and a therapist may take one or more of the following forms:

  • Synchronous communication takes place simultaneously, e.g., live chat, video, phone calls, Skype calls.
  • Asynchronous communication takes place not immediately, via email and text messaging.
  • Combined communication — the client has access to text and video therapy or any other combination of live and asynchronous communication.

For example, at Calmerry, clients get access to text and video therapy sessions. However, therapists may not instantly reply to the message. The service only guarantees same-day replies.

Video sessions are different there. They are scheduled beforehand so that a counselor and client can interact face-to-face.

Benefits of Online Therapy

Online therapy services are gaining popularity because they have many benefits. Below are the 6 most notable reasons why it is good for you to get mental health support online.

Remote Accessibility

If you are living in a remote area, chances are you have been frustrated by the poor access to mental health support. Usually, there are few or no licensed mental healthcare providers there. So, you may drive for hours to get help. If you are not content with your therapist, you may have to travel even further to get another one.

Traveling long distance each time you need to speak to your therapist is hectic. Luckily, online therapy offers a better alternative. If you have Internet access, you can meet professional therapists you would not have worked with before.

E-therapy makes mental help available to all, regardless of geographical location.


Many limitations make it difficult to seek therapy. For example, physical disability can hinder one’s mobility, making them rely on others to go to and from the counseling sessions. It works both ways: a therapist who is housebound is not able to attend to all clients.

However, with technology, you can have sessions regardless of mobility issues. You do not have to leave your house, and your therapist can provide you with help even when they’re homebound.


E-therapy allows you to attend sessions from the comfort of your home. Furthermore, you can schedule live sessions at your convenience. The flexibility offered by online therapy is excellent for people with a busy or unstable schedule.

Most platforms allow clients to choose a counselor they feel comfortable with. Unlike traditional sessions where you get to know a counselor after paying for and having several sessions, e-therapy lets you try and switch your mental health professional at the touch of a button.

For example, on Calmerry, there is no extra charge for exchanging a counselor.


Admitting that you need counseling takes a lot of courage. But you may not want people to know that you are getting help. The last thing you need is to bump into someone you know at the therapist’s office.

With online counseling, you enjoy complete privacy. You can schedule your sessions for when you are home alone. Furthermore, the services allow you to sign up with an anonymous profile. No one will know that you are seeking professional help.


E-therapy does not require you to travel. It cuts down on your transport expenditure. Furthermore, you work with professionals who are making considerable savings in rent and utilities. They do not have to acquire office space or employ an assistant. Therefore, e-therapy platforms usually offer more affordable packages than in-office options.

Also, rarely, but some platforms accept insurance. Ask their representatives about it and contact your insurance company to find out whether your policy covers your treatment.

Some services offer free therapy online periods. Thus, you get to try the service before signing up for a subscription. It saves you money as you do not pay for a therapist you are not compatible with. However, again, ask the platform whether they have such an option.


You might have a hectic schedule that does not allow you to commute to the therapist’s office regularly. Maybe your work hours are irregular, making it difficult for you to set up in-person sessions. Online, you can attend a therapy session whenever you are free.

Most platforms have unlimited text message packages. Your therapist will get back to you within the day. The best thing is that you can practice some skills learned or think out your answer before getting a reply.

When Online Therapy May Not Be Appropriate

There are a few cases when getting therapy online is not advisable. Below are some reasons why you should seek other healthcare options:

Serious Illness or Crises

E-therapy is not helpful for people who require immediate, in-person treatment. Severe mental health conditions are not adequately treated online and require more attention. The scope of e-therapy may be too limited to provide adequate support.

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or know someone who might harm themselves, reach out to local emergency services for immediate assistance. Your therapist may not be able to provide direct assistance online.

Technical Issues

Technology fails sometimes. A glitch is enough to ruin a session and interfere with your treatment. In case of a storm, flood, or power outage, you may be unable to access mental health support for a while.

Furthermore, therapists may not be tech-savvy. It may take some time to get used to getting counseling online. The quality of support you receive can be significantly affected by such technical issues.

Limited Extralingual Context

Body language is a vital component of successful communication. However, it’s harder to accurately gauge a person’s feelings, thoughts, and moods via text. Therefore, e-therapy lacks the personal feel that traditional sessions have.

Is Online Therapy Effective?

Is online therapy effective? Yes, it is. Several studies indicate that it is a proven alternative to face-to-face counseling. Both video and text therapy has proven effective for treating mental health issues.

Scientific studies also reveal that effective online counseling motivates clients to seek face-to-face treatment. It is especially true for people who need a higher level of care.

So, online counseling is the first step in treatment for clients who need more intensive therapy.

How to Choose the Best Online Therapy Site

Now that you know why you should seek counseling online, you are probably wondering how to do it. The best online therapy platform is one that:

  • Has the therapy service you need;
  • Has licensed and qualified mental health professionals;
  • Has a variety of plans to meet different budgets;
  • Looks out for your privacy with a comprehensive policy;
  • Offers reliable customer support;
  • Has positive overall testimonials.

You might be curious about free therapy online. Perhaps you are on a tight budget but still need mental health services. Know that free services exist. However, they have limited service options. You may not get live online therapy chat, videos, or other conventional types of counseling.

The Bottom Line

Does online therapy work? Yes, it does. It allows you to get remote counseling at your convenience. Furthermore, it can encourage you to seek in-person treatment for better results. Although e-therapy is not for everyone, its benefits are significant.

Is online therapy worth it? It is if you seek treatment from the right service that meets your needs. To know which therapy site is best, review it. Note the privacy policy as well as the subscription plans provided. An ideal service meets both your mental health and lifestyle.

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