How a Holistic Physician Went Global

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Dr. Bradley Nelson Shares 3 Steps for Building a Virtual Practice 

The Internet and mobile technology have made it possible to work from anywhere, anytime. This brave new world we live in has freed many employees to become entrepreneurs, working from home or as they travel. It is also opening new opportunities for healthcare professionals who are able to provide their services remotely.

I was introduced to computers in college and worked for a time programming personal computers when they first came out. At the time I, like so many others, had no idea how technology and the Internet would fundamentally reshape our lives.

I had planned to go back to school to earn an MBA, but decided instead to pursue my longstanding dream to work in the healing arts. I graduated from chiropractic school, started a practice, and began to deeply explore the mind-body connection in healing. As I developed my skills and practice, technology and the opportunities it presented grew. Over time I embraced these opportunities, leading me to organically grow a virtual practice, and teach others to do the same.

This change began gradually when I was still practicing in my own brick and mortar office. From time to time patients would call me while traveling to report they were in pain and would ask if I could help them over the phone. We would find an uninterrupted time to talk, during which I would help them release emotional energy that was triggering their pain. I found I was always able to help them feel better. So when I published my book, The Emotion Code, in 2007, I included a page letting people know I was available to help clients long distance.

Soon I found myself working by phone more and more. I started out working remotely three mornings a week with clients in many locations. I set up a system allowing clients to schedule time with me and pay online before each session. Before long I was booked for weeks in advance. My virtual practice allowed me to support my family during the early years of The Emotion Code. As word of this healing system spread I began holding training seminars online, allowing me to reach people around the world who wanted to become healers.

As new technologies presented themselves, I and my team embraced them. I got a Skype telephone number and had my office line forwarded to that number, allowing me to work with clients and practitioners while I was traveling. I will never forget the first time I did this, working from my laptop on a gorgeous morning at a vacation home in Montana. Sitting outside, surrounded by birds chirping under a clear blue sky, and helping patients release emotional energy and relieve pain felt to me like a dream come true.

Eventually I sold my brick and mortar practice and devoted myself to taking this healing work worldwide. Via webinars and online courses, we have trained thousands of certified Emotion Code practitioners in 63 countries who work with almost no overhead at all. They work both in person and remotely with clients around the world. Sometimes practitioners never meet the people they help in person. But they get great satisfaction knowing they can help other human beings, (and even animals) no matter how far away, to overcome emotional, mental and physical pain.

Although most conventional forms of medicine require in-person exams, others including psychology, counseling, and energy medicine lend themselves well to remote practice. For practitioners of these kinds of healing, here are some tips to help establish a virtual practice:

  1. Set up a reliable process that allows you to collect payment up front when clients schedule appointments.
  2. Utilize free and cost-effective technologies to organize yourself. Many of our practitioners use Evernote, a versatile program that syncs across all computer platforms and can be used with any mobile device. You can find many more online.
  3. Don’t be surprised by growth. As more and more people seek your services online, you may very well find it is easier and more efficient to practice 100 percent remotely.

Today the tools to connect with and heal others are widely available no matter where you are in the world. All you need is a decent Internet connection, Skype and a laptop, tablet or other smart device. Who knows what technology is coming that will help spread opportunities for healing far and wide? I for one can’t wait to see what’s next.


About the Author: Dr. Bradley Nelson is a holistic Chiropractic Physician, a Medical Intuitive, and one of the world’s foremost experts in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology. His bestselling book, “The Emotion Code”, is helping people all over the world to improve their lives easily and quickly. Users of The Emotion Code have found freedom from emotional problems such as depression and anxiety, as well as physical problems including fatigue, pain and disease. A key element of The Emotion Code is removing emotional energies that have clustered around the heart, interfering with ones ability to find love and success. Dr. Nelson has coined this cluster of emotions, the “Heart-Wall,” and it has been called “the most important discovery in the history of energy medicine.” He has trained thousands of practitioners worldwide to help people overcome unresolved anger, depression, anxiety, loneliness and other negative emotions and the physical symptoms associated with them. Download a free copy of The Emotion Code in both audio and .pdf versions, including step-by-step instructions for working with the body’s healing power at

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