Spiders in Your Home: Types, Lifespan, Dangers, and How to Get Rid of Them

Spiders in Your Home

No matter how often you clean your house, spiders can make their way to break in through different methods. Many people, especially children, fear spiders even if they may not be harmful. However, it is still important to get rid of spiders in your home, no matter how small or large they appear. 

An Exterminator Control can assist you in eliminating spiders from your house or workplace and ensure the area remains pests-free. 

How Long Do Spiders Live in Your House?

Generally, spiders in your home have a 1-3 year lifespan, though some species can live as long as 20 years in captivity. Most spiders die within the first year due to predation, disease, or other environmental factors. Environmental conditions also play an essential role in the life span of spiders, including food and warm temperatures. The higher they receive these two, the more their life span increases. 

Additionally, Male spiders typically have a shorter lifespan than female spiders. 

Which Type of Spiders in Your Home Can Be Found?

Households usually have a variety of spider species, including cellar spiders, cobweb spiders, house spiders, and jumping spiders. House spiders prefer quiet spaces like attics or crawlspaces and can be found hunting small insects at night. Similarly, Cellar spiders live mainly in dimly lit areas such as basements and cellars, while cobweb spiders spin webs in corners or crevices. Lastly, Jumping spiders are usually seen on walls and window sills during the day due to their active lifestyle.

Can Spiders Bite You?

Spiders are not interested in biting humans and will only bite as a last resort for self-defense. However, some species can be more aggressive and bite if threatened. However, if you are bitten by a spider, by any chance, remember not to panic. This is because most spiders are harmless, and their bites do not cause any reactions. On the other hand, black widow or brown recluse spiders can deliver venom that can cause pain and swelling at the bite area. Therefore, if you or someone in your house is experiencing pain and swelling following a spider bite, you should seek medical attention immediately and get it checked by a medical professional. 

Get Rid of Spiders in Your Home Today!

It may not be possible for you to understand whether the spider in your house is dangerous. If you have kids or infants in your house, having venomous spiders can threaten their health. Therefore, taking precautions and getting rid of them is vital by seeking help from a professional pest control service.

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