New Book Dissects 5 Lessons From Trump’s Winning Formula

The Trump Presidential Playbook

51JG7MC9tqL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_ trumpBuried deep beneath the politics, an election is a game. It’s a game like any other, only with incredibly high stakes. Being a great president requires a certain set of skills. However, being a great presidential candidate requires just one skill: the ability to influence voters to elect you. In this bloodsport of a game, it’s irrelevant how smart you are (Carson), well-qualified (Hillary), well-funded (Jeb), articulate (Cruz), experienced (Kasich) or inspirational (Fiorina). What matters – in fact, all that matters – is: Can you convince someone to cast a ballot for you?

The Trump Presidential Playbook: A Wizard’s Path to the White House by former Goldman Sachs banker turned advisor to senior Wall Street executives and CEOs, Geoff Blades, answers the one crucial question that everyone is asking: How is Donald Trump winning? The Trump Presidential Playbook dissects five key lessons from Trump’s winning formula:

  • Stay on Point
  • Be more skilled
  • Powerful messaging
  • Be yourself
  • Play the part

These lessons partly explain how Trump is winning, yet, more importantly, what this book reveals is that the secret to his success runs far deeper—that’s because everyone else is reading off an old playbook. The one in which scriptwriters pen flowery-sounding speeches and candidates wear the right-colored ties and say all the right things, try to rally crowds with well-rehearsed lines before smiling into the camera and saying, “Vote for me.” This worn-out routine might have worked in the past, but it certainly doesn’t work in this modern-day political dog-eat-dog fight.

“Full disclosure, I am not a Trump ‘groupie,’” says Blades. “I have not particularly followed his career, watched his TV show or read any of his books. What I have done is researched this unique campaign, studied and dissected more footage of him than any human ever should, reviewed the debates and transcripts, his major speeches and so forth. So if you’re looking for political discourse, you’re reading the wrong book.”

The Trump Presidential Playbook is not about Donald Trump nor is in any way endorsing him. Neither is this book about his political views or Blades own—it’s really not even about politics, for that matter. The Trump Presidential Playbook is, instead, about the underlying game of political elections: influence. And it stars a controversial man with a masterful approach to winning.

“Trump is not merely beating his rivals at their own game, he’s mastered a game which few candidates have ever played,” adds Blades. “You don’t win an election by playing the same old way. To win on this stage, in these times, in this environment, you need a new playbook, and Donald Trump is the one writing it.”

About Geoff Blades:

61z3z8EGERL._UY200_ geoffA former investment banker and investor, Geoff Blades is an advisor to CEOs and other leaders on corporate and strategic matters, as well as topics of personal and professional development.

For Blades, this work began more than 15 years ago when, in his early 20s as an associate in Goldman Sachs’ investment banking group, he stepped back from his career and began asking, “How do you get what you want in your career and life?” Quickly realizing there was a lack of answers for already highly successful people, he began to research answers for himself.

Putting these ideas to work, Blades transformed his own career on Wall Street, making four job changes at Goldman Sachs before taking 18 months off to research these topics then, joining the Carlyle Group as a distressed-debt investor. In 2010, Blades left Wall Street to teach others what had taken him more than a decade to learn.

Today, with more than a decade and a half of experience on Wall Street and in researching personal development, and having trained with true wizards of personal change, Blades combines his top-tier business and personal-development expertise to deliver a broad range of advisory services to his clients.

For more information, please visit, and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

The Trump Presidential Playbook is available from and most major booksellers.

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